Liisa's Meditation Concerts

Liisan Meditaatiokonsertit ja Hyvinvointiluennot

Sound healing in its highest form already about 300-400 years with baroque music! And much longer with meditation and mindfulness. Since 2018 I have combined my two professions, yoga and meditation teacher and a (baroque) violist, to bring special moments and deep relaxation also to people outside the yoga classes. 


Baroque music played with warm sounding and rarely heard baroque time viola, using low baroque tuning (415Hz compared nowadays common higher 442Hz) gives music special vibrations. In these concerts, I mainly play music of J.S.Bach which is, in my opinion, the most meditative music ever composed. I also guide mindfulness and meditation moments to help you to hear and feel deeper, let go and be in the moment.


Having long experience from my both beautiful professions, and having the whole concert in my own hands, I am able to create a beautiful atmosphere and a unique experience.


I have performed in music festivals, art museums, concert halls, dance halls, garden and even an old hydroelectric power plant! Concerts have been sold out without exception.



Would you like to experience my meditation concert? 

Meditaatiokonsertti sinunkin työpaikallesi tai festivaaliin?

I'd be happy to come and play (and/or lecture) at  your event or festival, creating stress relieving moment for participants by sharing my knowledge and tools for wellbeing.


Please contact me for enquiries /Kysy lisää!

liisa(at)lumoyoga or using the contact form:  


Me as a Musician

I studied viola in the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague and the Codarts University for the Arts Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I'm currently working as a freelance musician in many Central European and Finnish ensembles and orchestras, playing both early music with historical informed approach and period instruments, as well as modern viola. I especially enjoy planning and performing my own solo and chamber music projects which often have a unique twist.